Monday, March 05, 2018


It turns out that today is Raparin Day which is the day the uprising against Saddam Hussein began in Ranya. Which meant that my attempt to do business at the bank today failed since the bank was closed. For some reason our university is the only educational institution in all of southern Kurdistan that does not have the day off. So I was given no indication that today was anything other than a normal work day before I attempted to go to the bank.

Today is also the 65th anniversary of the death of Joseph Stalin. Unfortunately, the despot is more popular than ever. From everything I can see on the Internet it appears that the younger generation in the US is completely unaware of his crimes. But, American university students became a lost cause more hopeless than the Confederacy years ago.

1 comment:

  1. RE: "But, American university students became a lost cause more hopeless than the Confederacy years ago." This includes most of their professors, nicht wahr? Anyone who whitewashes the multiple genocides authored by Joseph Stalin has abandoned the truth and lives the Lie. Political Correctness prevails in abundance with absolute intolerance of opposing views.
