Monday, March 12, 2012

Looking for old issues of RAIN

Last night I saw an interesting end note in an old piece by Richard Jenkins. I have quoted the note below.

The intellectual resemblance between South African volkekunde and Soviet anthropology is too complicated a matter to discuss here: see, however the controversy in the pages of RAIN (Royal Anthropological Institute News), numbers 35, 36, 37 and 38 (1979-80).
I would love to get my hands on those issues of RAIN. I thought I was the only person in the world who noticed the similarities between Soviet and apartheid era South African anthropologists in focusing on a primordial conception of ethnicity. Current US scholars of the USSR certainly completely ignore these resemblances.  A preliminary search in the electronic catalog of the Balme Library did not turn up anything that looked remotely promising. If anybody knows where I might be able to acquire copies of the relevant articles please let me know.


  1. tyYou should be able to access JSTOR at the University of Ghana through wifi or at the UG ICT Centre or at Balme Library. Copies of RAINS - which stopped in 1984 or so should be available electronically

  2. Nina:

    I found them on JSTOR. The Sharp article in issue 36 is particularly interesting.
