Tuesday, October 04, 2011

What's Happening in the US?

Africa is a long way away from the US and trying to follow the news on the Internet is not easy. But, I keep seeing references to some sort of mass protest movement developing in the US. The center point of the demonstrations appears to be in NYC. But, other than that I have been able to learn very little about this movement. If anybody knows anything about it please leave a note in the comments. Thank you very much for your time and effort in this matter. Not that I believe anybody will leave a comment, but one should never give up hope.


Nina said...

Take a look at the following http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/10/03/on-wall-street-a-protest-matures/

Leo Tolstoy said...

A series of protests are developing across the country. It began with the Occupy Wall Street Movement that began on September 17. The media refused to even mention it until some police brutality got shown on youtube. Now the mainstream media is mentioning it here and there. Fox News, of course, is trying to totally discredit it. The problem is that there's no specific goal--it's just a protest against the government/corporate alliance.

Here are some links that will fill you in:







You can also follow on Twitter by searching #occupywallstreet.

daquail said...

Several hundred university students occupied a park near wall street, sleeping in tents and having food brought in. It has swelled over about three weeks to a couple of thousand. Move On (major political activist organization) and a couple of unions joined or have expressed solidarity. The police strong armed them out of the park last weekend, arresting many, but that only seems to have strengthened the cause. The occupiers want to end the domination of politics by the wealthy, to severely regulate and discipline the banks, to control corporate greed. Their slogans speak of "the other 99%," a reference to the 1% who famously control 25% of the wealth. They've inspired similar demonstrations and occupations in several major cities.

daquail said...

Several hundred university students occupied a park near Wall street, sleeping in tents and having food brought in. It has swelled over about three weeks to a couple of thousand. Move On (major political activist organization) and a couple of unions joined or have expressed solidarity. The police strong armed them out of the park last weekend, arresting many, but that only seems to have strengthened the cause. The occupiers want to end the domination of politics by the wealthy, to severely regulate and discipline the banks, to control corporate greed. Their slogans speak of "the other 99%," a reference to the 1% who famously control 25% of the wealth. They've inspired similar demonstrations and occupations in several major cities.