Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Interviews of Russian-Germans in Ivanovka

On Sunday I went with two research assistants to the village of Ivanovka (formerly Johannesdorf) to interview elderly Russian-Germans. We talked to two women and one man. Despite being founded as a German settlement by Mennonites from the Talas Valley, Ivanovka has almost no Germans or German influence left. We had to actively seek out the few remaining elderly Russian-Germans there. The town is now mostly Kyrgyz and Dungan.


  1. Otto, will you prepare a report on your visit and interview. I am asking because ORNIS-Press would be greatly interested in the story and your comments.

    Seasons greetings from Germany and good luck, Ulrich

  2. The interviews are part of a larger book project I am working on. I still have to get the transcripts and translations sent to me by my research assistants. But, send me an e-mail at one of the addresses below and we can discuss a smaller summary for ORNIS.

    j.ottopohl [the at sign] gmail [the dot] com

    j.ottopohl [the at sign] yahoo [the dot] com
