Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Day of Classes

Today is the last day of classes before winter break. I just have one more class with six more presentations. Then it is back to working on a huge stack of grading, recommendations and other student related work.


  1. OK Otto, You asked for it. I look in every few months, to catch nuggets like your District 9 post. Other than that, you are just so BORING. Who cares if you buy orange juice or have to grade 600 papers. You live in a most interesting part of the world, yet you tell us nothing about it. What's going on in Bishkek? I asked you about this sometime ago, but you said you were busy with your girlfriend and didn't have time to post. Well, tell us about your girflriend's family, the customs, give us something to read.

  2. Okay, I will try and post more interesting stuff.
