Saturday, July 08, 2006

P (ost) h (ole). D (igging). again

I am now back in Arivaca, AZ. For the past two days I have been toiling on the ranch. Yesterday, I put in some new fence posts to tighten the barbed wire around the perimeter. While I was gone in California some cows wandered onto my uncle's property. They have free range grazing for cattle in Arivaca. Today, I worked on refilling with dirt a ditch next to the house that resulted in the guest room flooding last year. In the next few weeks I will have alot of physical labor to perform before we get hit with the monsoon rains. We already had one big rainstorm yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. No, I have never dug in recent lava flow. The work is not too bad. I do it the morning before it gets in the hundreds and drink alot of water.
