Sunday, September 16, 2007

Grading Papers

This week I graded my first batch of papers. Most of them were fairly good. A couple of them were outstanding. Finally, a few could have used some additional work. But, considering that none of my students are native English speakers, the quality of the writing was quite high overall.

1 comment:

J. Otto Pohl said...

I have not encountered anything that looks like plagiarism yet. Both the readings and the writing assignments I give are quite different from all previous versions of the classes. I brought the readings with me from the US. So there would not have been any opportunity to use a previous paper.

I assign a lot of short papers while everybody else here seems to have favored a few longer papers. There is less incentive to cheat on a one page paper worth 3% of the grade I think. Especially since I will let then rewrite it for a higher grade if they turn it into me early.