Friday, September 16, 2011

When statistical information is worthless

I still can not figure out why I get so few comments on this blog compared to the number of people my site meter says visit here. I know that the vast majority of people active on blogs strongly disagree with just about everything I write on here. But, I do not even get trolls. I am starting to think that the number of people that actually read my blog is much, much smaller than the numbers indicated by the site meter. I am guessing I have maybe six regular readers that are real people. I am not sure about the composition of all the remaining hits. Some are undoubtedly from various intelligence agencies doing key word searches. Others are probably commercial bots doing the same thing to collect marketing data. I have no idea how to account for the remaining visits.


Leo Tolstoy said...

Most of the "followers" I get on my Twitter account are bots. I block the ones I know for sure are bots, but I have about 120 followers, andI get maybe one or two retweets a month. As most tweeps retweet hundreds of tweets a day, I assume most of the apparently real-looking followers are either bots or spies of some sort.

On the other hand, I used to follow a couple other blogs, and there were generally few comments. There are a couple I visit fairly regularly that I never post on, I just read a bit of what the person has to say and move on. Cary used to have a blog that had over 100 followers a month, but she never got comments. Hard to say what motivates people to post.

daquail said...

I read you regularly without leaving comments. While I don't agree with your Palestine views I respect them and feel no urge to argue. Mostly I'm vicariously enjoying discovering Ghana

Nah Esu said...

I guess I read your blog 1-4 times a month. I may have commented once before. My family has connections to former Germans in Russia, one leaving in 1907 and others in about 1992, "people on the way". I only comment to let you know I do read with interest.

Sam Tranum said...

I read your blog on a pretty regular basis but rarely leave comments. How do you know most people who read blogs disagree with your views on the German diaspora and life in Ghana?

J. Otto Pohl said...

Sam: I do not know very much at all about who reads this blog. So I really do not know if most of them agree with views on Ghana or Volga Germans. I was just using a rhetorical device. But, it seemed to work since it provoked you to comment. ;-)